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Spessartine Garnet Sphere

Spessartine Garnet Sphere

SKU: GR10006

This is for one approx. 2" sphere chosen intuitively for you.


Spessartine is physically healing to the reproductive and digestive systems, improving food intolerances, and is used as an antidepressant and to prevent nightmares. Spessartine is used emotionally to activate the analytical processes of the mind, to alleviate fears and provide confidence to change one’s life. It is associated with the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, awakening latent creative energies and lending power to one’s will.


The spiritual energy of Spessartine is effective in assimilating higher levels of inner growth and balance. Spessartine Garnet utilizes the colors of the sun for its healing rays, in shades of dark gold, orange, scarlet, and red.


There are a host of Angels attracted to these shades, and Spessartine is used to honor three Goddesses. Garnet is the traditional birthstone of January, and Spessartine is a natural birthstone for many born from mid-summer to mid-autumn. It is the zodiac stone for those born under the sign of Aquarius and utilizes Fire energy. As an Enhancer Strengthener crystal, it is a talisman of protection.

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